
Self study 26/08/08

We learned how to take some notes today and last week. It's very useful for me because I 'm taking an interpretation course in my home university. Tough it's a little different way of taking from that of interpretation, it's will be good training for it.

Today, I read an article about Japanese globalized company, TOYOTA.

TOYOTA is a globally expanding company. Until now, they have advanced slowly but steadily. But some rival, such as China making rapid progress, have appeared in overseas markets. They need to improve thier techniques more and more in order to disctiminate a lead on an imitation of thier techniques or thier rival.

New Words:
*full-fledged: completely developed
*inculcate: to cause sb tolearn and remember ideas, moral principles, etc.
*fast-moving: growing, developing or changing quickly
*imperative: (n)a thing that is very important and needs immediate attention or action
*epoch: a period of time in history, especially one during which important events or changes happen
*outpace: to go, rise, improve, etc.
*inject: to add particular quality to sth
*admiration: a feeling of respect and liking for sb/sth
*ultimately: in the end, finally

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