
Self study 21/08/08

Today I watched the video from p21 of the booklet for today's Self study.


This video was so shocking. In the background of Globalization, I saw the disadvantages of poorer countries which the media had not reported. It's a little difficult for me to listen this. But I could grasp the essence of the matter.

I also read three parts(Introduction, "Globalization-good or bad?" and "Defining globalization") of the article from the same page of the booklet.


Compared with the first video I watched, this article says more positive idea about Globalization. But it's important to see the situation of Globalization from different(positive and negative) points of view!
I'll write down the words I didn't know;

*launch: to start an activity, especially an organized one
*unprecedented: that has never happened, been done or been known before
*stressed-out: too worried and tired to be able to relax
*lay off: to make people unemployed because there is no more work left for them to do
*profound: very great, felt or experienced very strongly
*bust: a thing that is not good ⇔*boom
*vice versa: used to say that opposite of what you have just said is also true
*migrant: a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work
*integration: the act or process of combining two or more things so that they work together
*implication: the fact of being involved, or of involving sb

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