
Self study 02~05/09

For several weeks, I had written a globalisation essay. I have finally finished my essay and sent it susannah by email. At first, I worried whether I am able to finish this task. It was difficult for me to read many websites or books in English and write academic essay. So I am relieved now. But next one is presentation!!! Because I am not good at speaking in front of many people, I am soooo nervous... Moreover, It's in English... Anyway, I have to do in order to pass this course so I'll do my best.

As self study, I study with the text book which title maybe "Advanced Academic Grammar in use". Grammar is not so difficult for me but I've a little forgotten what I have studied in Japan. So I am going to continue to study when I go to liverpool.


Self study 29/08, 01/09/08

29th August, I arranged the vocabulary I have ever studied in class. There are so many words but I have remembered not all. So I try to use these words daily and get used to using it.

By the way, I started to do home stay from 29th. My host mother is Caribbean and has two daughters close to me in age. And there is also gland mother. Talking with my host familly gives an opportunities to improve my English skills. I try to talk with them positively and want to make a good relationship with them.

Yesterday, I went to Oxford Street to shop with my friend. At the beginning, we confirmed the way from a house to the university. It's because we were lost around there and finally could not find the university. It took over 1 hours in the way it takes around 15 minutes!! We went to the opposite way.. Anyway, I relieved to reach the university and was able to come to the class today! After that, we walked and shopped in the street. Although it's so crowded, I had a good time there.

For today's self study...
I went to the library in the university and looked for some books for final essay. And I rewrote introduction concretely referring to first draft susannah checked for me.

I also did a grammar book I bought yesterday. I studied about use of article which I don't understand well.


Self study 28/08/08

Today, I wrote a draft of globalisation essay. And I reread p24 of booklet read in today's class. It's interesting and I think this article is a fact of Japanes.

I also read a article"The Secret of UNIQLO's Success" in a website I found yesterday.

UNIQLO has monopoly on Japan's casual wear market. 40% of businesspeople purchase their products. There are some secret that their products are appealing. They can do a cost reduction by mass production. Moreover, their products are not only low price but high quality. Therefore they could achieve success.

New words:
*reportedly: according to what some people say
*monopoly: (business)the complete control of trade in particular goods or the supply of a particular service
*revenue: the money that a goverment receives from taxes or that an organization, etc.
*streamline: to give sth a smooth even shape so that it can move quickly and easily through air or water
*eliminate: to remove or get rid of sth
*middleman: a person or company that buy goods from the company that makes them and sells them to sb else
*garment: a piece of clothing
*dispatch: to send sb/sth somewhere, especially for a special purpose

That's all for today!

Self study 27/08/08

Yesterday, I found some website for my globalisation essay.


There are only positive things for Japanese enterprise. I want to find negative one...


Self study 26/08/08

We learned how to take some notes today and last week. It's very useful for me because I 'm taking an interpretation course in my home university. Tough it's a little different way of taking from that of interpretation, it's will be good training for it.

Today, I read an article about Japanese globalized company, TOYOTA.

TOYOTA is a globally expanding company. Until now, they have advanced slowly but steadily. But some rival, such as China making rapid progress, have appeared in overseas markets. They need to improve thier techniques more and more in order to disctiminate a lead on an imitation of thier techniques or thier rival.

New Words:
*full-fledged: completely developed
*inculcate: to cause sb tolearn and remember ideas, moral principles, etc.
*fast-moving: growing, developing or changing quickly
*imperative: (n)a thing that is very important and needs immediate attention or action
*epoch: a period of time in history, especially one during which important events or changes happen
*outpace: to go, rise, improve, etc.
*inject: to add particular quality to sth
*admiration: a feeling of respect and liking for sb/sth
*ultimately: in the end, finally


Self study 25/08/08

Yesterdey, I went to Camden Town with my friend. There were so many people and markets. I was so excited!! I couldn't decide what I wanted easily because everything was my favorite things! Finally, I bought a jacket and a skirt. There were also some people with punk fashion!! It was very interesting and I could enjoyed spending weekend there.


Self study 23/08/08

Yesterday, there was Notting Hill Carnival!!! Although I wanted to go, I was very tired...so I couldn't go:( But I could see the fireworks from my room! It's soooo beautiful!!!!

By the way, I tried to write an introduction of essay. I felt the lack of my vocaburaly. If I have some idea, it's not easy to write it down in English without a dictionary. So I need to read more books or articles to increase my vocabulary.

Today, I am going to go to Camden Town. I'll find many new words walking around the market.